Thursday, February 02, 2017


I don't know of one person who does not face constant stress.  Whether I'm in the presence of prisoners serving long sentences or one high-profile individual who lives in constant public view, all are identical when it comes to being treated by someone(s) harshly and unfairly.

I want to be a part of our world that helps.  From the High-Profile to the Low-Pauper we are fundamentally all the same; the same in condition and the same in need.  We each do what we can to hide our insecurities (and we have many) while we individually had hoped we would have greater impact upon this gigantic world of ours.

Therefore, I encourage you to join life by discontinuing your habit of fighting it.  Don't waste a good Thursday because you are living for next Saturday to get here.  Try to capture the treasure of now.  Surely, it is permissible to make statements like, I just can't wait for........(you fill in the blank; for your baby to walk, for your birthday to get your license, for your vacation).  Practice liking (no, loving) right now.

I just returned from baseball camp.  One foot is increasing in size and bruise color.  Bruises and pain happen.  I shall celebrate; not complain.  Some people wish they could go to a camp like that and never get to....once...while others just wish they still had their feet.  I'll view my swollen and colorful foot as a reward for getting to live on earth.  We have much to celebrate AT THIS VERY MOMENT!  So why not join in?

You...who read this post...need to know that whether you are famous or un, you really are a big deal.  I'm not kidding.  You are key, important, necessary, and have much living to do.  For those who live with inner depression, I would suggest that you look around to find one who is more depressed than yourself and take them for a Coke or buy them flowers.  And don't talk about your aches; rather listen intensely while they talk about theirs.  This will cause you to feel better while you will give others comfort that someone really cared.

Everywhere we turn, men, women, and children are being whittled either by people or by circumstances.  This is life.  What we can and should do is to make and effort to do something about it.  Think about it.  God created the world by saying so; He spoke the world into existence.  By our own speech, we create worlds of hope and life and rebound and love....simply by saying so.

Yes.  Some of you are very hurt.  No, you didn't deserve your pain.  To rid yourself of your misery try giving attention to others who are far worse off....for they are, you know.  Speak words of hope and watch new life arise in the eyes of those who hear you.


California Sheri said...

Thanks for always making me feel valued when we are in each other's company. Asking God to heal you quickly.
Love you much. California Sheri

Unknown said...

That commentary has to be one of the best ever! I feel much more alive having read your words of truth and love. There truly is 'enough love and care and concern' to go around. I plan to do my small part. Thank you Terry for sharing your many years of love and care and concern in your Blog. God bless!