Tuesday, November 08, 2016


There is a spiritual health available that allows us to walk blindly (faith without sight) through the terrain of our earthen experience.  While, of course, this can be most challenging, it is exceptionally alive with excitement.  Dare we want it?

I personally like to shop; headed for the mall with nothing specific in mind; just looking around.  Some are impatient and regard such as a waste of time; while others believe it to be wonderful life!  When one comes upon that special item or amazing bargain, joy fills our hearts.  So it can be/should be/is to be in the Kingdom.  As a matter of fact, that's one of the special treats of working with God.  He is full of surprises; events we don't anticipate or people's blessed interaction which might catch us off guard.

I really like how Thomas Merton puts it, The imagination should be allowed a certain amount of time to browse around.  Yes!  Wouldn't it be such a loss if, when shopping, we had no time to browse around?  The struggle would be?  We would miss out on the happy surprises!

That's exactly what happened to me in my earlier years.  I was loaded to the hilt with schedules and goals and needs and...and...I my devoted church activity was blocking me from the surprises of the One I was pedaling fast to represent.  When I learned to be still, it seemed that maybe Father had an opportunity to show me a few options that had yet to be considered.

May we develop a faith which would dare to allow each of us the amazing experience of abundant life in the zones of the unknown.  May we think it, seek it, wonder it, imagine it!  He can still do more than we can imagine or think according to the power that works within us...He says...Ephesians 3:19.

Our job?  Allow it.  Try to live in the unknown.  God is waiting there.

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