Wednesday, July 01, 2015


As in all I do, I feel quite inadequate to address this theme.  For those who don't hear me preach (and only know me through writings), I continually speak that I am the least in any room of people; the chiefest of any sinner.  For one it's true.  Secondly, I know it. Take this into account as I continue.

There seems to be an increase of demands coming from some within the Christian community of late to call sin sin.  Of course, this is nothing new.  Sin is the devastation of mankind; ruination while we try to live.  It is serious.  It is deep.  It is volatile.  Its consequences are immeasurable.

Yet, there could be an insincerity that rides alongside this prominent call by some for us to call sin sin.  This may contain an unsaid statement that possibly overshadows our intent.  Why has it never been said, It's time we call my sin sin?  Why is this statement never heard.  Why do bold blogs and sermons not use this phrase?

There seems to be a reason.

The Christian world has always battled the need to be in contact with hurting people. It seems much safer and handier to join in on Bible class theory.  I speak only in general terms for very much engagement goes on.  I question, however, the call for calling sin sin by those whose lives display an avoidance of the lowly....and the sinful.

We are long on principles and short on love for people.  Jesus died making this very point.  When this happens we find it acceptable to be quite vocal against another for, in reality, we don't care about others.  We care about our concepts.  These demonstrate, in our minds, our stances.  Doctrinal positions run ahead of community compassion.

The Pharisees were masters at such.  This is why they and Jesus were in one constant tangle after another.

If not cautious, we will be strong on stances; weak on relationships.  Jesus reverses this order.  To him Truth loves others to the maximum extent including all enemies.  This Truth will always challenge organized religion because it is easier to speak of rules than to relate to any who don't think, believe, or act the way we think they should.

What has happened, I believe quite unintentionally, is that we are prone to express our deepest opinions with clarity.  Our objection about those guilty of sin may freely be expressed while our extended hands to help in their rescue are not as available.  When this happens we cause a glare rather than shine.

Indeed, there is a great coming out of comments regarding the same-sex topic of our day.  Stances are taken.  Lines are drawn.  Yes, the sin is deeply serious.  And we must also raise our voices are for the sinner because someone did the same for each of us. Remember?

To simply be loud about standing against sin is anti-Jesus.  Did he condone sin?  Not one time.  His mission was to rescue the sinner; common ones like you/ME.

With great fascination, the church has enormous opportunity right now to display the love of Jesus in our tired and discouraged and distracted communities.  Yes, sin is wretched.  It brings misery.  Yet, to be adamant against a practice and not practice a deep compassionate love for the sinner is in itself the ultimate sin.  Is this not what makes the Son of God different from the religion that barked loud enough until he was finally executed?

I'm more than calling sin sin.  I'm saying the call for sin to be labeled as sin to be a ruse from which many who regard themselves to be strong Christian leaders are merely hiding.  We have work to do.  Words are easy.  Connecting to people is the difference Jesus makes.  He is the Master when it comes to this.  We have a world to love; the gay, the gossips, the touchy, the grouchy, the thief, the adulterer, and on the list goes.

The loud call for us to call sin sin is disingenuous when and if we are silent when it comes to our own missing of the mark.  Always.  Noticeably.  Loudly.  Silent.

Indeed we are to call sin sin.  But, it must be targeting our own sin first.  This changes the entire religious landscape.  May we perpetually learn from the One who became our deep dark personal sin so that we could become the righteousness of God....II Corinthians 5:21.

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