REMINDER: Be sure to notice the fascination of life which includes others...and very much yourself.
If you want to know a world-changer, let me give you two words: Thankful and Take Action. (But Terry, aren't those three words? Well, no, they really are four; but I just wanted to say it that way?)
If you want to see life either continue to be a great experience or else enter into such, being thankful plus taking action upon being thankful will transform your world. It has changed mine and I believe it will yours as well. For all of us, we need this day by day.
To live in abundant fascination is not to win the lottery or discover a million dollars has been left to your family (although admittedly, I would be fascinated if such happened). It is to be grateful that eyes can see, ears can hear, hands can pick up a fork, and food is on our table...once again.
To live in fascination is to refuse to be robbed by worry. Rather, it includes ability to imagine what isn't yet; but could become. Our God, if He is anything, is C R E A T I V E. Life is life because it is brim-full of creativity. From new home to new car to new menu to new do, we are in line for Him to creatively provide our newest need.
Feeling stuck? Life isn't about us making something of ourselves. It is about God making something of ourselves. And when God is involved, all people are within His sight. Wow! Such hope..fascinatingly so!!
I would recommend a book that, for some, will give you a tremendous boost; A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger. Life itself can begin to break down in places. We can become frustrated because we aren't sure what to do or if anything can be done.
Go. Live in fascination. Such isn't a good break. It is a decision. Like right now!
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