Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Surely everyone we know has ample reason to collapse under stress of pedaling through life.  Yes, we have our ups and our way ups.  We look forward to more.  Yet, every person battles temptation to become depressed; some slightly while others predominately.

I lived much of my life in the latter zone.  Discouragement seemed to come natural.  I wasn't enough, in my mind, for anything.  While I lived for the fun times, my life seemed doomed to be marked as below mediocrity.

And then I ran into God.

God has a great knack of defying what man's best thinking promotes.  The last shall be first, says God.  The weak are the ones strong, He assures.  When I read II Corinthians 12:9, power is perfected in weakness, the Light Bulb came on.

If power really is perfected in weakness, I am the poster child!

I encourage you that your strengths are not where you might think.  They are not in what you know or who you know or what you've accomplished or where you've been. Your secret to apex living, which only God would endorse, is always consistently found in your frailties.


The world is crammed with the hurting.

The masses are injured, discouraged, and inwardly confused.  Every social level fits this description.  The hurting are helped best by those who have been hurt earlier. The best advise for recovery comes from the broken one who recovered.  The most effective hope will always come from the one who suffered and survived in the very place where we are now suffering.

That's how God works.  He didn't send a news bulletin.  Neither did He send a warning. He sent a person named Jesus who would be ripped to shreds in order that God would experience what it was like to be a targeted, beaten, human.

God gets being us!

He understands because He literally walked in man's feet,  God experienced earth-life via His Son.  He found out what it was like to be a created human being.  And, Jesus didn't come with a silver spoon in His mouth.  Rather it was a target on his back that affords the enduring pathway; God's heart to ours.

What keeps us ticking?  God through Jesus in Spirit form.  These are not Sunday School niceties.  This Trinity is sharp, actual, and understanding toward us that we can undertake the fierce struggles of life and never flinch.

Life in God is the most amazing factor of all concepts.  Even the weakest can be confident.  We keep moving forward because God has worn our sandals....and survived!

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