Tuesday, March 31, 2015


How are those around us doing?  Happy?  Sad?  Distracted?  Ailing?

It is remarkable that often we can tell by reading one's eyes as to how they are feeling. The eyes tell the story.

I encourage you to be attentive to one another.  Relationship is of the utmost importance.  Yet, what I notice is that there are several who do not regard themselves of any value; especially to any who would not be regarded as "close".  In these cases we believe our words not to be important because we are not acquainted or "close" to them.

Therefore, I want to remind you that your words (even to strangers) are important.  A speaker in 1978 changed my approach to life when he said that the average person has not one good friend.  I was stunned.  Yet, since that time, I've seen this statement verified.

Michael Jackson said that he did not have one good friend.  The masses wanted his autograph or a picture with him.  Friends?  None.

It is for this reason that my heart goes out to those in the public eye.  These are often regarded more as icons rather than people.  How I wish all of these could realize their value...as a very good and loved...person.

My point is that there are NO EXCEPTIONS.  Every person in every social level needs to be reminded and confirmed as to their being simply special and extremely important.

Especially in our eyes, we can note the need for approval and love.  And, we take our turns at cheering and in need of being cheered.

Regardless of who we are near or who we know, every person at some point needs to be uplifted.  Every person.  And often we will pick up on this when we look them in the eye.  The eyes are so telling.

The eyes...they have the message that says, "Please, does anyone care for me simply because I am....me?

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