Saturday, February 28, 2015


I give significant attention to church and her surroundings.  What's working?  What isn't?  Who's being blessed?  Who's being run off?  What should we keep that is of God?  What should we discard because it was once a method that served well; but now has bottle-necked growth and maturity?

Basically, people want to know God.  This trend is rising.  And we will want to remember that church isn't god.  But because so many (both in and out of it) believe it is god, abundant confusion and distraction is presented.  Rather than us seeking God that He would keep us moving forward in life, we have reversed the course by trying to keep the church going.

Yet, something seems to be stirring within our complex society; something good and hopeful and life-giving.

It seems the church is awakening to the truth that we have cluttered our own lives (and others) with a repetitious dogma and boring routine while missing the ultra-simplistic nature of Jesus.  There seems to be a breakthrough so significant that it seems as if this is divinely coordinated by God Himself.

For one, the Sunday morning Show Time is being very challenged in a good way.  I don't mean to speak disparagingly; only to point out that for many church members Sunday mornings are a time to show up without realizing that Mondays  and all other days of the week are equally significant to the kingdom style.

To report for Sunday morning duty only has created a community habit that did not come from scriptures.  If not yet, soon we will increasingly note serious discipleship trends where the churches are gathered day in and day out to learn from the simple lifestyle of which Jesus intended.

Remember, Jesus was in constant hot water with the church leaders because he found their abundant thirst for rules to be offensive to the sinner who deeply desired some sort of news that they, too, could be included in authentic life from above.  He stood up for us.  We must applaud him in thanksgiving.

There is a hunger for more meaningful relationship with God within the church.  And such will most naturally spill over with strong attraction to those observing for these, too, are seeking a life of greater meaning.

Too, somewhat of a pruning seems to be arising.  I don't know if it is social gluttony or political disarray or extremist threat, but our lavish appetite for the flesh is gradually being replaced by a genuine hunger for the Spirit.  Self-determination doesn't seem to be in play as much as a calm spiritual calling.

Denominational walls are coming down; not in the name of care-less liberalism, but under the banner of care-full Jesus.  Church leadership of arrogance is yielding to discipleship of humility.  The indifferent are becoming curious.  Individualism is yielding to serving one another as community.

Something good is going on in the church world!  It's exciting.  It's meaningful.  And it's attractive; drawing us to the One who died for all.

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