Sunday, January 04, 2015


Regardless of how much we talk the talk, for a person to operate at high efficiency in the kingdom, great and costly strain will be factored.  The only winners in God's system are those who can lose well.

Climbing the ladder may be for corporations, but not for churches.  God sent His Son....downward.  We are to follow.  God's Son suffered.  We are to follow.  God's Son died.  We are to die to ourselves.  God raised His Son.  We are to be raised in similar fashion.

Resurrection life means more than there must have been a burial; it means that there was first a death.

Everyone I know lives beneath the umbrella of strain, stress, and struggle. Unbelievers spend their time trying to escape such days.  Believers, on the other hand, know something about the kingdom life; it flourishes when under fire.

The church was never stronger and more productive in Acts than when persecution hit. This is an amazing equation; death to the disciple means life to others.  Our problem is we program our every waking hour to see that we live in such safety that we push back the imposition of death.

One will only really live by dying; dying to self, dying for others.

The happiest upon earth tend to be those who have given themselves away.

Strains in life?  Simply authentic blessings.  Treasure them.

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