Thursday, September 25, 2014


Stumped.  So much of my earlier days were spent shut down.  I did not know how to proceed when faced with opposing circumstances or people.  I lived too much of my life both negative and feeling defeated.  I did not know these moments were for my advantage.  No one had told me or if they did I didn't believe them.

E. Stanley Jones' The Divine Yes turned my insecure world toward a new home-front of managing conflict; mostly within myself.  II Corinthians 1:18-20 is The Divine Yes. Therefore, Jones' words resonate.

I have learned that if you are blocked on one road in life, you can always find another that will open up to you.  If you can't go here, you can go there.  We don't have to be afraid for if we can't do this, we can do that.  They blocked Jesus by not receiving him for his face was set to go to Jerusalem.  

The disciples wanted to call down fire, but Jesus just went to another village.  We can always go to another village.  Don't bear your oppositions; use them.  There may be a pause in my program, but a pause in music is music in the making.  So every pause can make us tougher and more mature.

We can learn to take the initiative, like the airplane that goes up against the wind, using the wind to lift it off the ground.  "If life throws a dagger at you, take hold of it by the handle and cut your way through opposition."  This is the secret.

Breakthrough!  Breakthrough!

Some thirty years later I continue to find extreme and productive delight in actual factual hope in all things.  I had never dreamed this possible.  It is more than possible; it is reality.  Learn to be advantaged by difficulty.  Jesus blazed the trail.  Walk on it.

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