Saturday, September 20, 2014


I surely understand any who just can't take churches and church people.  We are simply weird, even mean, in places.  The one thing we seem most consistent in is probably our inconsistency.  Therefore, due to the latter, the multitude feels they deserve a pass.

Not so.

Have you ever heard of car wrecks?  Any resulting in death?  Everyday?  So may I inquire, did that stop you from learning to drive?  And did you approach such with great enthusiasm?

Again, did you ever hear of a school teacher who was rude, unfair, and biased?  Did you ever take a class from him or her and leave discouraged?  And, did you believe that because this person was ridiculous that Math or Economics or Social Studies was also just as absurd?  Do people gauge the validity/accuracy of a subject by poor instruction?

Regarding the medical field, would you know of the term Quack?  When stricken with an ache or an illness, does society avoid the medical field at large because of the many Quack-a-holics posing as reputable physicians?

No.  A thinking people does not avoid the subject in any field; even when one may target those in the field who are dismal failures.  We seem not to behave this way with one exception; religion.  In this zone we easily become uneducated, even whimsical, experts.

Referencing automobiles, education, and the medical system, we do our homework. We train to drive knowing that we must be alert to potential accidents.  Never do we bail from learning because of an inadequate instructor by concluding all education is both delinquent and stupid. In the medical profession, we inquire who's good; who isn't.

We face each of these potential challenges with brain and heart.  We have an innate capacity to sort the good from the bad and the ugly.  We then walk away from the slackers and move toward the informed.  Never do we dismiss a topic because of the silliness of the representative.

Why cannot society do the same with faith?  Why the dismissal with a shrug because we find easy excuse to claim fraud or quack?  Why do so many feel this one area can be given no attention, no study, no research?  Each individual deserves better responsibility from him/herself.  Death, dying, and eternal life is worth research before we just irresponsibly reject with smug or snarky indifference.

I work in ministry.  I grasp the bombardment of negative accusations toward religion. I agree with many of them.  We are a people of faith who are stuck, strangled, and stranded by things we claim as coming from God that He never said.  Guys like me have made faith way too hard.  We deserve being questioned.

However, God is not a fraud.  Jesus did die for every individual; history alone supports this as truth.  Calendars are based upon his birth.  The Holy Spirit is our divine supportive Friend.  These are not fake.  These, though, go without serious study by the masses.

Please, I can't think of anything more devastating than one who would waste their very own soul simply by ignoring the subject.  Devoted to risking to drive?  Yes.  To getting an education?  Yes. To being medically treated?  Yes.  Yet no backbone to research the one zone (the only zone) which will affect them for eternity?  Grave mistake.

Reject God if you will; but please do so because you have studied to find Him incomplete.  Do not waste your inner-most truest being.  The Jesus-life isn't a racket as many would parade it to be.  He is the true hope of authentic life; not just for later, but for now.

Personally, I work in a zone that connects with wonderful people who had neither interest nor time for the God-show.  Until....until they lay on their deathbeds.  Then things change.  Criticism, anger, need for getting ahead, worry over things that didn't matter seem to melt out of existence.

In her finals days, a lady asked me, Why would I wait so long to think about God? Facing one's death knocks the props of rejection out from under everyone.  Love fills their speech.  Compassion resonates. Belief arises.

I cheer you on.  Experience this God-dimensioned life for the rest of your life; not just when you are dying and conclude then that there is no one you can turn to except the One you make have either mocked or ignored.  God loves every person.  Believe Him. He is always waiting and welcoming.

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