Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Times are very challenging in today's world.  Terrorism, poverty, and broken relationships headline the media.  Stern news breaks daily with signals of wreck and ruin.

And us?  We as believers?  Are we walking side-by-side with those who have zero confidence in the reality and the effectiveness of the kingdom of God; yet we head for church once a week and sometimes twice?  Are we found to have any element about us that is more than religiosity (devoted to our own religion, but makes us still no different)?

Are we living among the dead as more dead than alive ourselves?

Or, are we a called-out group of whom it can be said that there is surely something special about these who go through the same church motions; yet these seem to be alive in some unique and mysterious way?  Are we activated by God or are we just active in church?

The difference could/should/would be in the power source.  Ritually dull or responsively driven? Are we operating on our own understanding and steam?  Or, are we directly connected to the power of God in Spirit energy?

If the latter, we are found with a confidence that comes not from our strongest positioning for accomplishment; but rather it is completely found in the Holy Spirit who is the adequate one.  Nothing comes from us (our own brain and brawn), but it comes from the Living God around and through us if we are found to be of any valuable effect (II Cor. 3:4-5).

II Timothy 3 warns that there are those (often us) who have a form of godliness; yet have denied His power.

Churches today are much about form.  High church.  Low church.  Outreach church. One can be formal while another is casual.  Some forms draw.  Others wain.  Both can be found to have centered upon form.  The kingdom question is whether there is any power from above to be found among the gatherers, believers, servers, and defenders.

Formation is both biblical and valuable.  It is also deceitful if church time is spent organizing and plotting without the impactive presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Churches are in danger of becoming a Word Society where our talk is technical, resourceful, and contemplative without a trace of unusual energy from above.

Our dynamics have rescinded from effectivity among our communities to rigorous dialog of explanation, or definition, with very little difference-making power.  I (we) are to be different from our God-denying world in a Jesus sort of way.  Our walk is to be backed by the Holy Spirit similarly to the way America's economy is to be backed by Fort Knox.

Jesus expressed clearly that apart from the Father he could do nothing.  We must find our devotion is seeking connection with the Father that we get anything done. Churches vary; styles, missions, and locations; even languages.  Yet, there is to be something central in every one; the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

We are to be different in this Jesus sort of way.

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