Have any of you heard of a thing going on called the Ice Bucket Challenge? Really? You have?
This has been a valuable experience for me to witness. If that can be done as a fund raiser, why cannot it be done for the kingdom of God?
One of the things the IBC did for me was to see that somebody behind this went public with it. They filmed it. That's all. No billboards. No TV ads. Filmed by amateurs on phones. That's it!
What if we filmed baptisms the same way? What if we moved these sacred events through the media for others to see how it's done and what it's for? Additionally, what if we helped novices to baptize their friends and their friends baptize their friends?
So today let's begin a Lake and Pool Party.
Step One: Assign someone to film with their phones the baptism and then put it out for the world to see what is being do so that others can follow. And when you film, keep it brief. Otherwise, it will be less likely to be pass along. Be serious. Be sober. For this is a highly godly situation.
Step Two: Jesus told the disciples to go into all of the world baptizing...Mt. 28:18-20. When the church began at its earliest point, hearers were told to be baptized to have sins washed away and that the Holy Spirit would move in...Acts 2:38. This is supported throughout the New Testament.
Step Three: One does not need to be a professional church person to baptize another. Friends can baptize friends. So, why not?
Here's what you do. In your pool or at the lake, because baptism is a figurative burial (Romans 6:3-5), you stand by the one to be buried in the water. Take their confession. You will say, Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? They will say that they do.
Both standing upright, you then put your hand behind their back in support while they cover their nose and mouth. You say something like, Upon your confession, I now baptize you that your sins are to be washed away and that you will receive the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Spirit.
You will do fine. Exact wording isn't necessary. The meaning of starting life over is. You lean them back into the water until completely submerged. When you help them come back up, this is a picture of His death, burial, and resurrection.
Step Four: Encourage each who experiences the new birth to get with a group to learn how to read the Bible, how to pray, and how to develop a relationship with God. Otherwise, these will have simply been led to get wet. If uncertain how developing and growing in Christ would look, email me. I'll help you with ideas; we are learners together.
I believe that once such an event is visual, the world will be inspired to give their lives to Jesus. The formula will be repeated time and time again. Baptism is merely at the beginning point. Learning of Him and His ways is a life-time commitment and experience.
Jesus is our redemption. Baptism is not a god; it is a godly act to bury us with Jesus. Common, ordinary people are being baptized all over the world. We can add to the fire. My we develop by the grace of God an incredibly viral form of evangelism.
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