Sunday, July 20, 2014


We are called to walk the most exhilarating course of all history.  Our path is to be that of Jesus'.  The dark powers of this world know this.  Therefore, we are targeted to get less from our walk than the heavens intend.

We must be alert.

Consider Paul's statement of Philippians 3:10...that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings....  Really?  This is our goal as well?  It should be.  And, what a different approach to life's venture.

We all want the first half; none prefer the last.  Yet, the power of His resurrection is found in the midst of His sufferings.  The two are correlated.  If there were no valleys, mark it down, there would be no mountains. Resurrection is prominent only when suffering has struck.

Knowing Jesus is to know that life is difficult, filled with chasms, and yet God empowers us to arise to have very good days because we connect with the pattern of Jesus.  If not on guard for the workings of the kingdom, we will miss them because we commit ourselves to a different path...the one of safety and assurance.

I urge us to be attentive to the difficult days.  Such is not a signal of our inadequacy as much as our calling.  These are to verify we have not bailed.  May we find that we live willingly in the Suffering Servant's sandals.  Without much thought, we tend to disregard.  I say give heed to the stresses among you for they may have the purpose of God buried within.

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