Wednesday, May 07, 2014


It is no secret that it takes a strong mental/spiritual will to hang in there on some days.  But we can do it.  Ah, we do it!

Some of our days really take us to task.  They can get really difficult to the point we begin to drag a bit.  After awhile it feels tempting to submit to its misery.  I want to tell you that I know that about you.  Too, because of that, I want to urge you to keep pressing forward.

By 8:00 this morning, I had communicated to a heartsick friend whose brother-in-law was found dead at age 39.  The grief is thick.  And by that same time, I had communicated to one in prison whose little boy has been hospitalized and is very ill.  She, too, is in heart-sick and desperate agony.

And you...I'm saying you just got out of, or are in the midst of, or will soon face very dark, frustrating, and burdening days.  Whether we hold up or fall apart will be the result of a choice we make.  We may faint in exasperation or press forward in hope.  Ours is the vote that counts.

Do the latter.  Press forward.  Decide to never give up.

The power of God is ever-present.  Yes, Jesus was in the grave....and then God came along.  Yes, Paul and Silas were in a depressing and extremely unfair prison situation.  Yet, when their singing began the walls fell over as if dead.  You and I live in this very same kingdom.

Whatever is trying to hurt you is useless in the presence of God's resurrection power.  U-S-E-L-E-S-S !  Our role is not to harbor irritation over matters which seem against us; but rather it is to convert it by faith for our benefit.

As ugly as the cross was, its beauty remains set upon the hill of hope!  God's people are always advantaged.
...that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings....forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead...I press on...(excerpts from Philippians 3:10-14).

Never give up!  Never give in!  Never give out!  Give over to the wonder of God!

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