Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The Kingdom of God is ultra and mega-important.  There is no other like it.  Ours is the call to draw others in.  We must.  It isn't an option.

Mistakenly, I took off like a rocket when first beginning to preach.  I was that in-your-face sort that wanted, as my ultimate goal, to stand in the baptistery again...and again.  I tell you from experience that one can be baptism-driven and not live in prayer, in the Word, or in love with God.  For me, it had become a score-keeping stat that measured me against other Christians as to whether they were really in this for the soul-winning.

Wishing to be honest about my lack when it came to genuine motivation for outreach, I dare to ask us to consider what it is we are doing in the church.  Are we reaching or have we nestled down into "a ministry" where we can hide from the community?

Every person is to be a light; every individual.  While we have made necessary and proper strides in maturing in gifts within the church, we have inadvertently shown some among us where to legally resist the call to reach out.  Subsequently, these have no conscience for extending their faith to another.  

Henri Nouwen wrote, Nobody can offer leadership to anyone unless he makes his presence known--that is, unless he steps forward out of anonymity and apathy of his milieu and makes the possibility of fellowship visible.

I believe every person we meet possesses one of the following; (1) is a believer, (2) is not a believer but is beginning to search, or (3) is not a believer and has no intention of becoming one.  2 and 3 are to have our steady and utmost attention.  

In both cases we can move out from anonymity and apathy by casually mentioning what God is doing in our lives or what we are doing to care for others in His name. This is simply a matter of planting seed or watering seed someone else planted. What it does is let the receiver of your comments register a face in their community that they can make connection when God eventually stirs their hearts.

In 1970 Mary and I were on a search for God and we didn't even know it.  We just knew something was ajar regarding faith and action toward Him.  An invitation to a church potluck shocked and upset our entire a most wonderful way.

I simply remind you of something you already know.  There are wonderful people all around who are privately questioning their doubts and their spiritual neglects.  Your extending an invitation to a small group or class or worship or to read a favorite book of yours may be magic to those in your path.  

Outreach: we must be attentive.

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