Friday, November 22, 2013


I am pumped about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Since my days as a little kid I still contain the enthusiasm for these big days as a little kid.  I can't wait for them to get here.  I drive whoever draws my name at the office buggy with my list(s) of possible gifts...for me!

Lest we forget, I remind us of the many who dread these days due to the cancer of society.  It is the L word; loneliness.

No rocket science is needed here.  Alone does not mean lonely.  This point needs to be made because lonely people can be found in big crowds; family gatherings and even churches.  Watch for these.

Discouragement and depression are nipping at the heels of the well-to-do and the down-and-out.  Neither of these frustrations is biased toward a specific social level. The rich and famous are targeted for these anxious moments just as much as the homeless.

Therefore, we have work to do.

We must keep our eyes open to the individuals who cross our paths.  Their sad eyes often betray their upbeat voices.  Walk through these days delighted for excitement is in the air.  And may a segment of this enthusiasm be engaged in noticing some here and there who need a word or a hug....or a warm pair of gloves.

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