Saturday, August 04, 2012


We admire human ingenuity, skill, stamina, and strength.  Many are glued to the Olympic scenes.  Raw talent and excessively successful discipline is paraded event after event.

Believers, however, are not in the Church Olympics.  Oh, we wish we were prime examples of faith in its most brilliant form.  Yet, it is scripturally substantiated that our glory is gone and our salvation is His glory for getting it done.

Successful?  We are not.  We are not close.  We are so far from it that we are saved as a gift by Him called grace.  We are empowered to do any sort of meaningful work, once again, by His lavish grace. 

It is never about us.  We are vessels.  It is always about Him.

Grace is cotton candy to the self-determined; useless.  Yet, He will allow us to be worn down by our feeling we can conquer all the spiritual ailments that plague us.  We can do it!  We can do it!

No.....we can't....and we don't.

It hurts my feelings day by day that I don't reach the high standard of His wish for me.  It is in this precise spot that I must accept him as the One he most desires to be; Savior because I can't save myself.

Do-it-yourself Christianity is a self-pride that goes terribly and mistakenly unchecked.  But when we yield to His standard, we realize our efforts are but rubbish. 

If we are to be saved from ourselves, someone other than us is just going to have to take over.

Welcome Jesus!

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