Friday, May 25, 2012


For millions of Christians God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian.  They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle. 

A. W. Tozer made the above statement--thirty years ago.  I think it to be stunning, alarming, and true.

How can this be?

I'll make a guess.

From experience, I believe God has become terribly unreal in churches because congregational doctrines have become the god-of-the-mind.  What we believe has trumped Who we believe.  While organizational arrangement excites the worker, Father has slipped in the religious rankings.

We are in deep need of experiencing God--the Lively One, the Profound One, the Active One.

Every congregation and each individual within must perpetually check ourselves that we not have taken on habit-rot.  Personally, I am very comfortable with our church as is.  Evidently, the younger generations do not find my comfort zone to offer an Experiential God.

Questions must be asked.  Are these leaving us because of their true hunger for Him or simply because we have failed to design church around their preferred comfort zones?  One thing for sure is that we must be a people that call all to know God and His suffering Son and His abiding Holy Spirit. 

Without the Three, we are merely a bulky, sluggish, conglomerate of we.

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