Unity is actually a book, chapter, and verse kind of thing. Yet some treat the topic as if it is of Satan. These jeer at any efforts to link with another(s) Christian label to the extent they mock such ones as having sold out their convictions.
However, I see another unity that is truly and severely unbiblical; yet we practice it among ourselves with shoulder shrugging indifference. I speak of the unity we try to promote within the church between flesh and spirit.
Bossy flesh as always yearned to rule over tender spirit. Is this not the entire story of one called Jesus? It wasn't that one side was religious and the other not. Rather it was that both were religious; one guided by flesh and the other in spirit.
Thus today we have incredible division. Wrangling over words continues although book, chapter, and verse warned against such. We experience a very divisive sort of unity in that we continue to gather under one roof with enormous confusion over how to get somewhere; anywhere in and for the kingdom.
As long as flesh obligates spirit to walk in harmony we can count Jesus out. He did not die so that those who killed him could have reign over the church business meetings. Rather his entire walk says the flesh must be converted for it has no part in the kingdom.
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
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