Sunday, February 26, 2012


Think slogans have been around. Think Positive. Think Souls. We are what we think about.

Be cheered and guided and encouraged to think LIFE. We want our kids to be good. I really believe we want our kids to be alive!

The Law kills; but the Spirit gives LIFE!

The mark of a Christian is of one that is alive. Dead limbs cannot bear fruit. We are to be alive.

When entering a cafe or an office or a mall, please look and talk as if you are alive. Anyone can float with the herd regarding frustration and displeasure. Only those of God sense LIFE in the midst of exasperation and devastation.

When you enter your places of worship this week, do one thing....LOOK LIKE YOU ARE ALIVE!

When you see others who offer no glimpse of hope in their world, believe LIFE into them.

When you teach, when you preach, when you decide, when you commit, when you dream, when you plan, when you determine.....think LIFE!

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