Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Eckhart Tolle wrote, You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!

I agree with his statement. And, I key in on two words: purpose and unfold.

Life that unfolds is a beautiful sight to behold. It is both peaceful and joyous. Unfolding is the opposite of charting one's pressurized performance in order to obtain reportable results.

Purpose is core to the believer's doctrine. Several can't find their niche in the kingdom; they feel like they have no meaning, no purpose, in life. This struggle is a result of trying to perform life rather than allowing it to unfold.

To find purpose, in the N.T. contextual use of that word, is to sense our call to stress and struggle. God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose of Romans 8 would be one example. The context is the extreme threat placed upon those who choose to follow Jesus.

The unfolding life refuses to run from painful circumstances. Meaningless life, however, seeks the shortest route to the quickest escape. These do not learn and do not allow God to bless for their central doctrine in life is "don't get hurt". This is a cross-less formula.

For you have been called for this purpose, wrote Peter, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps. Unfolding of a productive and meaningful life takes place in the very depths of suffering. When we live solely to avoid suffering, life will not unfold. It will stagnate due to our self-protectionary doctrine designed to keep one safe at all costs. This is the opposite of the life of Christ.

A life that unfolds into the glorious warmth of Jesus is one that does not revile when being reviled; while suffering he utters no threats. A life with purpose submits to such punishment and life arises as from those momentary.

The cross is the picture of true life. To avoid it in our daily walk is to avoid our core purpose. To allow it is to see the marvel of God unfold right where we live.

(Thank you, God. This is a good one.)

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