Wednesday, December 14, 2011


A few weeks back God sent in a sermon regarding thankfulness that will forever adjust my life. It was and is powerful. Soon afterward my daughter reminded me of a book, One Thousand Gifts, that we had discussed months ago.

I ordered the book.

It is the same sermon God handed me.

You will love it.

To this date I had believed Max Lucado was one of the most descriptive writers found. Ann Voskamp surpasses all skills---my opinionated opinionly viewpoint.

While women will thoroughly enjoy Ann's work, men will glean incredible insight as well.


Ultimately, in his essence, Satan is an ingrate.....Isn't that the catalyst of all my sins?

Our eyes fell on the glory of God (referencing the Garden). We saw God as He truly is: good. But we were lured by the deception that there was more to a full life, there was more to see.
And, true, there was more to see; the ugliness we hadn't beheld, the sinfulness we hadn't witnessed, the loss we hadn't known.

We only enter into full life if our faith gives thanks.

Make every moment a cathedral giving glory...I am Jacob and the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it (Gen. 28:16).

The real problem of life is never a lack of time.
The real problem of life---in my life---is lack of thanksgiving.

Several somebodies in your world will be blessed by this book...I believe.


Christi Bloomer said...

Oh, this sounds like good stuff! Thanks for sharing! I'll put this on my wishlist today!

Nellie said...

I have been recommending this book to everyone since reading it about 2 months ago. Absolutely beautiful writing and the message is simply huge! :)