Wednesday, September 28, 2011


1970 was my earliest encounter with Churches of Christ. Mary and I were converted that year. She was devout Catholic and I was half Presbyterian/half Gunsmoke.

This new kind of religion was both surprising and overwhelming. There was so much to learn; yet I was willing to give it a shot.

We don't call it the church. We call it the building. We are the only ones saved. We don't have choirs. And, we don't mixed-swim. Being impulsive me, I blurted out on the latter, What in the world is a mixed-swim? When they answered I said, You gotta be kidding me!

Being Mr. eager to become properly church acclimated, I hurried to learn the church ropes. I was a wide-eyed sponge enamored with each morsel of new beginnings. Eventually, I hauled my family off to the Preston Road School of Preaching to learn deeper ropeology. Although I was quite afraid the entire two years, I ate it up. Excitement poured at the thought of winning souls; while wholly fearful I would never win one....not one...not ever.

Life in the church is a gift. I am grateful to see a major shift of new life take place in the church. Simple and yet profound, that new life began to sweep across the spiritual scene when our brotherhood quit preaching Church of Christ and began to preach Jesus. It is a literal world of difference.

A strange thing arises immediately. As you learn of those preaching Jesus it can be noted these same people are accused of ruining the church. I believe that has some merit. A church without Jesus needs to be ruined.

The next time you are in a circle of heated discussion, note how many times anyone is hot and bothered because Jesus isn't being preached. This will give you insight as to the depth of concern such conversation should be given.

You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. I do not receive glory from men; but I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves (Jn. 5:39-42).

New life in any congregation will always and only be due to the economy of Jesus; not the preachers, not the elders, not the worship style, and not the version of the Bible. It will always be because of Jesus or there will not be authentic abundant Life.


Anonymous said...

Growing up cofc, I thought instrumental music was scriptural issue... We don't dance, drink or smoke or associate with those who do. It was called mixed-bathing but still the same idea at my church.
I was in my 20's before I heard of Grace. Sure it would have been mentioned, but growing up I never had the assurance of salvation... what if I died before I asked forgiveness for that sin? When I learned about Grace, it changed my life.

Anonymous said...

I could write many of the things anonymous wrote. For too long the "one true church" has been elevated equal to or above Jesus in the emphasis of the teachings in the church and that I beleive is the reason we have lost many of our young people. They see the incosistencies and the powerless teaching and want nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can identify. Jesus is the center. I hope there can be a day that every literate Christian would read a paragraph of His life from the gospels before they go out to do "man made religion". Whether it goes under the banner of any fellowship and Jesus is not the center, then the point is being missed. Amen brother.
Larry in Denver

straitshooter said...

terry it took a wise friend from a different background to point out to me. If it is not a salvation issue,what are you arguing about.He pointed out to me you might be right on a subject,but are you lifting up the name of Jesus.I have really taken this to heart.lets get on with praising GOD,and loving others.hope to see you at the tulsa workshop.

JD said...

ropology ... hahaha