Thursday, September 29, 2011


What is "it" that I have had to learn to let go? "It" is the natural yearning to get others to do things my way. I never thought of it as selfish. I thought of it as intelligent and responsible.

After all, my ways were always the right ways.

Really? Really.

But I had to learn to let "it" go.

What is pleasing to me may be displeasing to a group of others. When "it" doesn't go my way, this may have just blessed a significant group. Matters of taste, preferences of style; these have to be handled with loosened grip.

I was the oldest of siblings, therefore the bossiest because why? Older always trumps the opinion of younger...that is according to Older Scripts and Law(?).....or didn't you know?Everyone knows that except the younger.

Practice letting it go. Fear causes us to control. I know from both sides of the aisle. Not in dismay or aggravation, but in supportive delight in the opinions of others, may we become more comfortable and confident in their concepts and ideas.

When we learn to let it go, others seem to perk up as if we just took off the training wheels. This concept has opened up an expanded world of wonder, harmony, and appreciation for the efforts of my colleagues.

Enjoy your day.

Bless others.

Learn to let it go.

1 comment:

Christi Bloomer said...

Even though I'm reading this late, I sure did need to hear/read it today! And I love the statement about being the oldest child - of course we were always right! Good and funny stuff!