Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Our Western culture is set up for perpetual notification of failure. Strange, I know, but think about it. Why the marketing glut? We are targeted with messages of "we could do better."

We either are too heavy or too sagging or drive a car that gets poor gas mileage or have mustaches too gray or own auto policies which are too costly. An hours worth of television or radio programming will assure us we are a pitiful sort....but help is around the corner.

Is is any wonder men, women, and children go through days feeling that, in whatever state, we have sorely missed the mark? The ultimate product for self-improvement is only an 800 number away. And, don't forget, if we place that call within the next ten minutes we can have two of the one thing we really must have in order to be top notch.

I experienced this in my earlier days of ministry; believing that regardless of what I brought to the table I could not possibly be close to adequate. I was too short or too uneducated or too silly...well that's enough for now. But I learned something from God which has reduced my complexes as well as my envies and jealousies.

I learned we do not work as individuals but as a body. Today I can be expressively grateful for Rick Atchley because he advantages me. To have him in the loop and on the team; I just got stronger. I don't have to try to be a good as Liz Pence. I can now enjoy the fact that her labor in the kingdom compliments my efforts (and mine hers). Furthermore, what little God can get from me is a plus for preachers here and teachers there for God's body in Jesus is fluid and effective---via each of us---by His Holy Spirit.

Room for improvement? Always. Discouraged because we are not ideal? No more. The body of Christ is ideal and we are set on maturing in him.

You are enough in Jesus. Your efforts are linked to those of believers miles away and even centuries away. God's synchronization is perfect and pure. We matter. Due to the Spirit we are good enough to be significant. We co-labor with Him.

We have reason to believe our size fits into the body with all others! Each of us counts. Each shines the light on the glory of another. God is to be praised. Honor is His alone.

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