Friday, August 12, 2011


Don't fall over in surprise faint. I am writing a series....a six parter no less. Really, I am not writing it; but merely transmitting a long quote. The material has deep and wonderful implications. I will let the message speak as God would direct to meet a need you might have.


Jeanne Guyon once made the observation that in every era God raises a spiritual issue. During Paul's life it was "works and faith." Every age since then has also had its controversy; and in every age since Constantine, our God has set about restoring those precious experiences of the early church that had been lost. In her own age God used Jeanne Guyon to raise the issue of the indwelling Christ. That is, that the Lord is within you---working from the inside out---that you can know Him and experience Him by living in that chamber where He makes His home. (It would still make a good issue today!) She raised the issue of the interior Christ.

But God did not stop raising issues with the 17th Century. He raises yet other issues; He is a restoring God.

Is there a spiritual issue in our age?

Well, if there is not, there should be! If men and women today, by the thousands, began experiencing the depths of Jesus Christ in a real and transforming way, there would be simply no place for their experience to fit into the present-day rites of Christianity, be they Protestant or Catholic forms. Neither movement is presently structured to contain a mass of devoted people who walk in spiritual depths. Or, to put it another way, both movements are structured toward other emphases; it is, by its nature, a structure that hinders the torrents of unleashed love meant to be poured out on God. The very element, the very soul, the very composition and structure of present day Protestantism and Catholicism frustrate a deep encounter with the living God!

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