Wednesday, July 06, 2011


As I see it, the blogsites are defeating privacy fences. We are becoming neighbors once again. Blogs allow our visits to be brief while our days remain free to get so much done. There is value in gaining connectedness in a world which seems so crowded, yet leaves some feeling so lonely. I am all for seeing that all feel absolutely connected to someone.

I'm not sure how often I can or will pay attention to this site. I am a very green novice. I know this....people are important. In future notes, I will join with many others to be another voice to cheer you on.

For now....enjoy your weekend!

The above note was my first post on November 3, 2006.  It was one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one blogs ago.  Since then there have been over 365,000 hits.  Considering the fact that my mom doesn't have a computer to run up the tally, I am grateful for the interest.

I broke into blog-world totally by accident.  I commented on Tim's blog for the first time and accidentally established my own.  Two hundred hits came on the very first day and there were no words because I didn't even know I had a blog!

The point is to watch your world.  God works with you in ways you don't even intend.  My guess is God does more with us by what we would regard as accident than we do on purpose.  I could be wrong...but it surely is fun to think about!

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