Friday, February 04, 2011


I was asked to write my top ten concepts of leadership traits.  I share with you what I sent out.

1. A LEADER CAN BE ASSURED GOD WILL BE THERE. Romans 4:17 gives leaders the hope that God can create something out of nothing and He can give life to dead situations. What else would one need?

2. A LEADER MUST LEAD FROM THE BOTTOM UP. Jesus didn’t begin at the 40th floor of the Hilton; but rather in the manger. He came all the way DOWN to earth’s lowest birth. Leaders must identify with the lowest rung of life and allow His grace to raise us up.

3. A LEADER IS THE WORST SINNER OF THE BUNCH. Paul’s statement of chiefest of sinners was no spin. He meant it. Yet, he never met me. A leader isn’t a leader of anyone until he or she realizes the depth of personal ruin. Until then, grace is merely a Sunday school term.

4. A LEADER IS ADVANTAGED BY HIS WEAKNESSES. II Cor. 12:9, power is perfected in weakness, is my secret; is our secret. Weakness magnetically calls God to our side and He supplies.

5. A LEADER WILL LEARN TO PRAY IN THANKSGIVING. Everything in our work is a “yes”…II Cor. 1:18-20. Phil. 4:4-9 is a storehouse of prayer wonder. Rejoicing and peace come about because a leader prays in thanksgiving in all situations. The lack of thankfulness is the reason most who try to lead don’t pray. Thus, they are left to their own energy….of which fatigue will eventually overwhelm.

6. A LEADER MUST KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ACTIVE AMONG US. Eph. 3:14-21 insists a leader receives a power from the Holy Spirit for effective labor beyond one’s imagination. Many leaders in the church have been told the Holy Spirit has been shelved. They are unable to bear His fruit in rough times and are unable to endure because the flesh just can’t hold up under the pressures of the cross of Christ.

7. A LEADER BELIEVES IN WHAT PEOPLE CAN BECOME. Leaders are to imitate Jesus and he was a marvel to handle the woman at the well or the man up a tree by instilling his faith in them into them. Many have God buried within themselves but don’t believe it. Leaders believe them forth!

8. A LEADER WORSHIPS. God is to be praised 24/7. We are to be crazy about Him. Leaders are not about rules, disciplines, or decisions until they are first enthused about telling the Lord of His majestic style and ways.

9. A LEADER GETS OUT OF THE WAY. A leader is neither a permission giver nor a professor of grand commentary. God is implanted into each of the flock. He has them loaded with giftedness. If and when they are free to serve, they will do a fascinating job if leaders will discontinue being ego corks in the bottle.

10. A LEADER DROPS THE CONTROL MANIA. A leader will enjoy outrageous fruit for the kingdom once he or she awakens to the truth of being the weakest link. Controlling nature arises from fear. Relaxed in Life can be attributed to love; trust of God and others. A true leader never runs the show. God does. We will do well to drop the image of management. God knows the system much better.


Bruce Skaistis said...

Terry –

Thanks for sharing your insights on leadership. There are thousands of business leaders who could benefit from these insights.

Bruce Skaistis said...

Terry –

Thanks for sharing your insights on leadership. There are thousands of business leaders who could benefit from these insights.