Monday, February 28, 2011


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, grandma always said.  Didn't make much sense to me since I never had a bird in my hand one time.  Yet, the lore held promises of sorts.

A definite parallel can be assumed regarding work in the church.  How many times have I chased after two bird-in-the-bush efforts only to conclude empty handed and very disappointed.  Oh, my creative little mind reached and stretched and went through many contortions trying to find that formula for church growth. 

Nearly all were big fizzles.

However, I did finally find the bird in the hand section for church effectiveness.


Oh sure, that sounds holy.  I mean it, though.  I was straining at causing things to sprout and develop.  And, I was at the wrong end of the equation.  God's responsibility is to cause the growth.  Mine is to plant and water.

Planting and watering takes away the strain.  I have no talent to cause growth.  I can plead with a seed, shout at a bulb, and shake my fist at a kernel....and get zero results.  My job is to plant each and water and then step aside.  God breathes growth; not me.

Things are different for me today.  When those things appear which don't go as I had wished, I have become more able to relax and wait for God to assert Himself.  It could be my idea was bad.  Or, it could be it was inaccurate timing.  Or, it could be the concept was kidnapped by another person.  Nevertheless, God is the only One who really causes anything to work out. 

My job (our role) is to trust Him.  He knows how.  God is more powerful in His weakest moment than we are collectively at our strongest.  My best or His? 

Next question?


Anonymous said...

Great lesson, reminder, and funny too! It does take the pressure off of yourself. j

Christi Bloomer said...

Thanks for the faith reminder! We've had a few pregnancy scares lately and all our 'research' hasn't calmed our nerves. I'm sure that more prayer and faith will work wonders though! Thanks for always very timely reminder!