Wednesday, February 09, 2011


I'm in the midst of multiple exchanges with one who is upset with stances (of others) being taken regarding creation.  His notes sting with disgust.  He has his position and declares it off-limits for debate.  That's what one said years ago who held an opposing view. 

We are great targets for distraction because, in general, our bark is bigger than our bite.  Our tribe talks (usually in class) about how we "go by the Bible".  Much of this---and from experience I do mean very much---talk goes on without commitment to prayer, devotion to study of the Word, and habitual lethargy when it comes to connecting with the lost in hopes of promoting Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the mission of the heart.  If it is a matter of the Bible, every topic has its range of significance.  However, due to our arrogant rigidity, we fall for the doctrine of distraction easier than some for we aren't about relationship with the Trinity as much as we are about being right; giving right answers from the Word.
The stress of this is that one can't be in line with the Word if there is not worship and love and interaction with the Trinity.

Smiling faces and busy hands within our communities are connected to hungry hearts needing information as to how to find authentic hope.  They may not know they need it; but the day comes when at least in secret they need answers. 

Will we have been there with the seed of the kingdom?  Or will we be tending to our wounds following our debates having forgotten about the people on the streets?


Unknown said...

Great points! I know I've been in the "boat" of distraction; I try to stay away from that boat's port!

I have also been in the midst of people who were distracted, and seemingly fearful, by not being "true" to the Bible.

Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

Amen...really, what good is my stance on communion (for instance) if I don't love my neighbor?

Praying the Spirit makes me more like Jesus...