Wednesday, December 01, 2010


  • In the Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White.  A very roughly languaged but an intensely honest true story about a young man imprisoned only to find his stay shared by a leper colony.  What he discovered is what you I would also find if we could humble ourselves by the suffering nature of Jesus.
  • What Good Is God? by Philip Yancey.  In typical Yanceyesque style, this book is riddled with extensive real-life research to find the movement of God in places other than typical church buildings.
  • The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen.  A classic which will tie your heart to the One who did heart things best.
  • Experiencing God by Blackaby and King.  Still....after two decades in print....if you want to find a starter-book to bring new life to a congregation, begin a class study with this one.  I don't know of a group which hasn't been wonderfully impacted by this study.
  • The Art of Possibility by Zander and Zander.  This secular work gives even the religious a few hints at opening our minds.  And, wouldn't that bless a bunch of people?

1 comment:

tim rush said...

So you'd like any of those for Christmas then?

Just joking.

But I was surprised you didn't include Made to Stick. That's one of my all-time favorites that you've suggested.