Saturday, October 02, 2010


Be still.  Know I am God.  The Psalmist penned those thoughts in an age long ago.  We will do well to heed his call. 

I live where you live.  My world for just today has involved a deep discussion of what to do for and how to help the elderly in crisis, visiting with a daughter-in-law about her very ill father, whether to respond to a critic who thrives in writing against me in his brotherhood paper, and the assignment of delivering a message tomorrow morning which will bless the church budget which affects every church ministry...and then that workshop thing I'm working on.  No pressure.

I take it back.  Valuable Pressure.

But here's what I've learned about Jesus that I didn't see coming in the beginning.  While enemies try to thrive on him, he is the one who thrives.  Jesus ran from nothing.  He wasn't worried.  How could this be?  I think it is because he trusted his Father much more than he trusted personal skills of rescue and delivery.

So it is with all of us.  We don't run the show; God does.  It isn't up to us to will or to run it; God will....Romans 9:16.  We....can be still and know that He is God.  Enough pressure finally assures us that we aren't....God.  Good for us!

Live with no complaint.  Live with much gratitude.  Pressures?  Galore and often....really daily.  But we flinch not.  We fret not.  We scold not.  We lose it....not. 

Jesus shows us pressure and what to do with it.  Thrive on it.  All of the incidents which seem to bombard our days are mere maps to show us precisely where we need God to do His thing at the moment.  If God can take a dead Son and hit him with resurrection that we can walk in that resurrection power...don't you think it's time we admit that worry is over?


Anonymous said...

"To respond to a critic who thrives in writing against me in his brotherhood paper"

1 Cor 11:19
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.

Love the writing, preaching, evangelism, and service to Jesus Christ. You listen and you care. Keep sharing your life. Keep those stories coming. There are a lot of us who delight with you in the presence of God which is growing in power and scope. We need to hear, to be encouraged and motivated to move forward, too. It's faith-building, inspiring, and motivating. It sure seems like you have God's approval. :)

Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

Have your read my life, Terry? I feel the "valuable pressure" often and with great intensity. I find that I bring more of the pressure on myself, though.

I am writing a small group book on Spiritual Disciplines and I am learning the art of being still...meditating, solitude, prayer, fasting, study, and personal worship. All of these have helped me to be still and know that HE is GOD!

It is in the quite moments that all pressure disappears and God "resurrects" me in such a powerful way. No critic is to mean-spirited that God can't handle. Not illness is too far gone that God can't heal through a recovery or give them over to the final "resurrection" And, no work load, financial issues or relationship problems are too difficult that God can't loosen the pressure valve to give us rest.

Thanks for the post. Sorry for the rambling. I love you, brother! You are inspiring!