I've always been enamored with icons of prayer like George Mueller, E. M. Bounds, and Alexander Campbell. Their faith and their endurance time of prayer aroused my admiration but not my motivation. I haven't followed in their exemplary steps. Wishful? Yes. Actual? Not even close.
I do share a part of walking with God that has become delightfully habitual...and I believe useful. I mutter to Him all day long....I offer mutter prayers.
When I go to bed at night, I praise Him for watching over people and work. Especially this week I have prayed for the receptionist at the tire store and Elizabeth Cheek because she asked me to pray for her in her response (see Tuesday, July 27 blog).
As soon as I wake up, I begin bringing people and situations to Him. While I shave I listen for Him to interject His ideas into mine. Driving for early coffee, I mutter more stuff regarding my delight in Him; His goodness, His creativity, His size.
Throughout each day....I mutter gratitude and call for assistance. Just like Jesus, I can do nothing without Him. You may be tempted, as was I, to feel somewhat sheepish about your prayer life. But maybe you could begin to mutter. What may happen is you'll find yourself carrying on conversations with each other for as we walk with God we will find He mutters back.
I'm a fellow mutterer myself!
I have felt guilty for it, but just haven't been able to stick with the hour long type of sessions.
Now I need to work on hearing him mutter back.
We don't even know how to pray, of course, so the Holy Spirit takes our mutterings and translates them; expresses them into intelligible statement for God. How blessed are we? Likewise, the Holy Spirit takes the words of God and makes them intelligible for us.
Great cloud of witnesses there: George Mueller, E.M. Bounds, Alexander Campbell ... Another is James A. Harding. May we cultivate the disciple of grace in muttering in prayer to our Abba ...
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