God works with the small stuff. Wasn't His son the one who said something about mustard seed impact?
Because I am from the farm I get the major truth that sowing affects harvest. God set up that system and it is what works on the Kingdom Farm.
Don't think about increasing your giving my $100 or $1000; but make such a move by $1 or $10. You may not be able to consider feeding the homeless until you practice feeding a neighbor you don't know so well. It could be you aren't capable of reaching another nation until you extend a local invitation.
I know what it is like to be a young and ambitious man who wants to set the world on fire. I still want to. But I lacked the skill-set. However, each of us can do a little and this is a big thing! Little amounts to something in God's eyes.
Don't be discouraged if you aren't the President of a corporation or the Chief of an administration. You are connected at the heart to the living God and He has always delighted in working with the improbable and even impossible.
I get to do fun and amazing stuff in the kingdom zone. One of the reasons is I still accentuate the need to sow seed. We sow, we water and we till. We sow, we water and we till. He alone provides the produce....and our job is to enjoy it!
If you aren't much....as I am not...we are just enough. What everyone should remember is that dinkyness matters!
This is exactly what God ordered for me to read today! Thank you, my friend!
I'm thankful dinkyness matters, because I'm usually pretty dinky! God's mighty power is usually displayed pretty easily around me!
God knew that I needed to "click" over to your blog today! Thank you for this sweet reminder that little steps are important!
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