You know how some people are name-droppers? They met Brad Pitt or they talked with the President of the United States or some great moment like those? Well...I one-upped name-dropping today. I name-stood.
Name-standing is a new concept I created just for me. I saw Randy Harris, Randy Lowry, and Rubel Shelly standing together outside in a mall area of the Pepperdine campus mid-morning.. I thought, "how neat." What a great group of I walked over and stood with them. I didn't know the topic and was never drawn in. But as people passed by they could not help but notice the "four" of us standing having a mutual (?) chat of some sort about a world matter that I feel sure impressed the many passers-by.
After awhile they moved on. I did mention to Rubel my apology for not being able to accept the position of being President of Rochester Christian College. I hope he understands....I have this blog to write...and other important matters.
Pepperdine? My favorite one so far! No joke! Really awesome!
That is such a Rush-thing! I admire those three men tremendously, but would rather spend my time with you, given a choice.
I love the "subtle" method...I've got to try that sometime.
How 'noble' that you wouldn't give up your position of your daily blog!! You say it in jest, but I know how much I enjoy reading it. Good joke though!
You ALWAYS make me laugh!! What you don't realize is that when people come stand by "you", they are name standing! I'd rather stand by you any day!!
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