Friday, April 09, 2010


As creation danced upon its newly decorated stage in the beginning of time, those who study their Bibles are pretty aware that original sin stained the spell-binding tapestry. The recipe for essential joy was shattered like a broken mirror tossing humanity into 7 trillion (eternal) years of bad luck. Such seems now to be the destiny of every individual; religious or not. Beginning in a mess, we press against the day's window to see if good fortune might be making a delivery on our street; perhaps at our door?

Hold up!

News better than winning the lottery is here! Mankind did not begin with original sin but with original glory. We were created in, with, and for extravagant beauty. All were ideal.

John Eldredge wrote, I daresay we've heard a bit about original sin, but not nearly enough about original glory, which comes before sin and is deeper to our nature. We were crowned with glory and honor. Why does a woman long to be beautiful? Why does a man hope to be found brave? Because we remember, if only faintly, that we were once more than we are now. The reason you doubt there could be a glory to your life is because that glory has been the object of a long and brutal war.

You need to be informed there is something directly wonderful about you....really. It may be buried deeply within; but it is present. There is a major power to your character (when too often we obsess over a major flaw). You possess a strength inbred from original glory. Jesus knows exactly how to shine the light on your light.

You are an original in glory. Begin to think like it, talk like it, and walk like it. You are a winner!

1 comment:

Vasca said...

We are winners...I believe it.