Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Prayer is a major factor in the real grunt and grind of kingdom labor. I once thought that wasn't so; but I've changed my mind. We must pray. Otherwise, we are left to shoulder the work on our own. When that happens we burn out for the Father's business must be His business. We must connect to Him.

Two avenues are powerful assistants in my work---our work---at Memorial Drive. The prayer team at Brooklyn Tabernacle and the prayer team at Memorial Drive.

1. Brooklyn Tabernacle ( is Jim Cymbala's church. They have a 24/7 prayer team. I often shoot them notes of requests for phases of God's work I am approaching.

2. Intercede4u ( is Mike Gardner's facilitation at Memorial. Mike is not an up-front guy as far as speaking in front of a class, etc. However, he is an out-front guy in his leadership skill to perpetually and consistently lead a host of members to be in prayer over people and their circumstances.

While you do what you can to pray, I encourage you to tap into such resources as these.

You might want to add your prayer resource via a comment on this post for readers to add to their support.

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