Thursday, March 04, 2010


I just have to share this. A most amazing thing happened to me this morning. It's one of those things you hear happen to others, wished it happened to us, and it did!

I drove my car to work.

I went for breakfast with David Combs.

I stood in line at the bank and waited my turn...a long time.

I filled up the car.

I took coffee by Lindbergh elementary school for the secretaries.

I brought a coffee back for our secretary.

What's so amazing?

I did it all by myself! I had the energy, the balance, the money, and the mental capacity to pull this off. Not everyone can. Ask the stroke victim, or the blind, or the nursing home resident. I did all of this by myself!

They day may come when I'm unable. So today I celebrate able! I backed out of my own driveway early this morning....and boyee am I having a good time! When I turn 98 and can't do some of this stuff, I will not wish I had noticed it when I could....I already did! I noticed me doing this.

How about your day? Ah, phenomenal as well?


Amanda Sanders said...

Oh, I loved this! I too am having a most amazing day. Laundry, vacuuming, dirty dishes, and even more grand adventures lay in store for me today. Thanks for this post!

Vasca said...

Absolutely wonderful...oh, the things we can do ourselves...spring was in my steps today and I'm bouncing all over the place! You're a bright light in our day...oh yes!!!