Monday, March 22, 2010


The kingdom of God is the funnest thing on earth. It is equally treacherous. While we are engaged in works that bring dead things to life, we are also involved in a system that requires us to die to ourselves day after day after day. We will do better in our work as we can remember the latter.

Don't be discouraged when things don't go right. Either someone has a better idea or God is using this temporary disappointment to train us to endure....or both.

I've been full of good ideas over the years. Truthfully I've been just as full of baloney. Dreamers are sometimes better at imagining than instigating the success of the imagination. Don't quit dreaming for God and for people. I'm not running dry of bright ideas.

However, I am learning through experience to sow seed in confidence and wait on God for the crop. If not careful we will tend to microwave our dreams; see them crop up immediately.

I've learned to plant seed just as He said; then water and till. I love God-surprises and when He causes works to bear fruit five and twenty-five years later? is back to the fun again!

We will always be challenged to believe all of the Bible. Ours isn't the call to be liberal or conservative for both groups include the cowards and the doubters. Ours is to believe God when everything in front of our eyes would tend to disbelieve.

Don't be disheartened about anything. God works. We believe......and that is our work...John 6:29.

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