Wednesday, February 17, 2010


One of the kingdom's more intriguing traits is that of newness. The Start-Life-Over factor is unknown in all other circles. To be Newer-Day-by-Day is literally out of this world. What is going on and how does this apply to our routine? Is this a feeling? Is it a law?

Newness is, first, a promise of God. He strongly emphasizes the new birth and the new creation. The very nature of repentance is to determine to start again.

Growing old versus growing up surely belongs in this discussion. The reason? Whether flesh or spirit, parallels exist. The one I see clearly this morning is that of flexibility. A child is flexible. A Crappaw isn't so much. A Great Crappaw just isn't. And a Great-Great Crappaw? Ah....where's his walker?

In the kingdom growing old versus growing up is consistent with the above consideration. The very nature of the Spirit (John 3:8) is flexibility. To find a young/youthful disciple in their 50s/60s/70s+ is to find one flexible in mind. In others words, they are not set in their ways.

Rigidity has become the framework of all sorts of churches. Rigidity is followed by irritable followed by grumpy followed by deadness. This isn't a kingdom pattern.

Calvin Miller wrote, "Always abandon unnecessary rigidity for God can only direct the flexible."

One of the issues I face in being 62 is I must continue to do my stretches. For how many times have I already discovered it is easier to retreat to my tried-and-true approach to the church rather than consider new possibilities.

May we assert ourselves in the region of growing up.....that we never grow old.

1 comment:

Christi Bloomer said...

Again, timely reminder and something I needed to hear! Thanks for always reminding me of what's important! What would we do without you!?!?