Tuesday, January 19, 2010


If you are like me you want to see things accomplished in the kingdom. You are ambitious, diligent in your service, and you want to see results. I want to see God's creation notice Him instead of passing by unaware He is the one running life's show.

I want to see the name of Jesus praised in television interviews and world news reports. I want to hear celebs speak of God with respect and humility. And....such is happening.

But a problem I have is I want to cause this to happen....and I can't. I hunger for kingdom productivity; yet I possess not the skill nor talent to cause one meek squeak. I'm nothing.

Therefore, I pray. I pray thanking Him for working; thanking Him for setting the stage. God knows how to get things done. He knows how to bring about marvel and mystery. My job is to know God.

Therefore, walk with Him. He will run the show. He will deliver the goods. My job is to believe Him and to thank Him.....and I do.

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