Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We are in the speaking business. Whether the pulpit guy or classroom teacher or making announcements, etc. we are in the speaking business. Speaking is the creative trait of You Know Who.....God. Therefore, speaking is serious business.

How is it the Holy Spirit links a speaker's words to a listener's ears? Why is there such ideal understanding shared by some? The speaker gets it and the hearer gets it. I don't know nearly all I would like on this topic....but it is important we keep improving regardless of age or style.

Let me give you two really great recommendations for books that have a lot of good to say on this topic:
  • Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley and Lane Jones
  • Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath

Neither of these books are new on the market. I've recommended them before. Yet, new readers come on board and.....sometimes we miss a recommendation here and there.

Speak well. Speak effectively.

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