Monday, August 10, 2009


9/11 was an errant tee shot by the terrorists. Reports indicate they will take a mulligan (For non-golfers: they'll try it again). We can count on it being severe. Their first strike had more intended targets. Our intelligentsia proved their savvy by moving a step ahead and shutting down the airports.

Chaos could be a matter of fact any day or any month now. The statement isn't meant to alarm; but to awaken. How does an individual or a country prepare for attacks which cannot be imagined? Where do people go for shelter?

There is a place to escape chaos and conflict. It is in Jesus Christ. Everyone is called to hide in him. Caves won't suffice. Remote forests are no better. Mankind is in danger. Jesus preserves it from extinction. Enemies may do away with our bodies, but not our souls. We hide in Jesus.

How does it all work? How does any of it work? Who can figure? Romans 6:3-5 expressly says when one is baptized he is baptized into Jesus' death. Why there? Because Jesus' death could not contain him. His death was severely flawed and yielded to resurrection power. We want to be buried into that dynamic death.

Tell everyone to be buried in Jesus. Tell those who don't even like church stuff. They will want to know. Jesus is our shelter. He is our escort into an entirely new arena. Don't miss out. Tell others not to miss out.


John McCoy said...

It is funny how when so many say that Jesus will give you money or a good job or make all your problems go away, I lose sight of what Jesus is really all about. Thanks for reminding me that Jesus is the answer to it all.

Anonymous said...

Truly Jesus is our shelter. A shelter in the time of storm, our stormy obstacles, that may be the challenges and difficulties we faced in this life, the pain and suffering we encountered. What doest this tells you? Does it reflect a scenario or make any references that show a physical, spiritual, and emotional signs of any circumstanes, or a time that epitomize constant consequenses? The storm itself represent trials and tribulations, hardship, problems of any kind; Whatever it may be, for the good or for the bad. There is always a shelter in the time of those storm. You're right we need to hide in Jesus Christ because He is our only shelter. That shelter represent safety, security, prosperity, sencerity, a wellbeing that expresses peace, comfort, with a whole lot of dignity, honor, hope and love. Thank you for your words of inspiration.

myron said...

Truly Jesus is our shelter. A shelter in the time of storm, our stormy obstacles, that may be the challenges and difficulties we faced in this life, the pain and suffering we encountered. What doest this tells you? Does it reflect a scenario or make any references that show a physical, spiritual, and emotional signs of any circumstanes, or a time that epitomize constant consequenses? The storm itself represent trials and tribulations, hardship, problems of any kind; Whatever it may be, for the good or for the bad. There is always a shelter in the time of those storm. You're right we need to hide in Jesus Christ because He is our only shelter. That shelter represent safety, security, prosperity, sencerity, a wellbeing that expresses peace, comfort, with a whole lot of dignity, honor, hope and love. Thank you for your words of inspiration.