Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I want to encourage those who shepherd some flock out in blog-land. Good for you. You guys get bad raps on occasion; but surely not as bad as preachers and used car salesmen. I know a lot of elders. Maybe I could say something to cheer you on.
  1. We don't expect you to be God. We know you are human. Really. So relax. Know that more than being viewed, you are loved. We like you. We need you. We think God gave us you.
  2. We don't expect you to possess all of the spirit gifts. So don't feel pressed to impress us with your talent. We want to serve, too, you know. We want to assist in making this a better place. So let us show you what God has given us; where He has us fitting into the kingdom-scheme.
  3. We don't expect you to Barney Fife us. We will respond better with your applause than your whistle. We already know we aren't perfect. Some of us are afraid to peek from beneath our shells. But....but if you might catch us doing a little bit right, we might try something even bigger and better the next time. Thank you when you cheer us on.
  4. We do assume you need breaks from schedules just like we do. So don't be afraid to not show up at every church event. We won't scowl at you. We will be relieved to know you get too tired....just like us. Please....take a break from your hectic schedule. You'll be more valuable longer.
  5. We do hope you will step aside and let those gifted in areas practice their skills. We aren't going to run away. We love to hear your pride in our efforts even when you discover you didn't even know we were serving in that zone. God has so much going and He/we are appreciative you lead in such a way more is getting done than you can track.
  6. We do love it when you act more like our friends and brothers than a board of directors. We didn't join American Airlines or Applebees, Inc. God added us to the church. Freedom in Christ is a precious asset that we hold dear. When you dare protect our freedom, we love you all the more. You seem more real when you relax with us and ponder the wonder of God yet to behold.
  7. We really love it when we get the sense you are willing to join in with us instead of taking your direction from some group of brotherhood leaders miles away who don't go to church with us. Don't be nervous about what "they" think. We like it when you notice our needs; especially when you try to serve where God has us living. Thank you.
I don't know of an elder who doesn't want to do well. Furthermore, I don't know of an elder who knows precisely what to do on most matters. So relax. Like God and like us. I'm a firm believer that elders set the pace and the mood for each congregation. If you are happy and fruitful, guess what follows? We've never expected you to know all of the answers. We have assumed you know the Answer and are getting to know Him more year by year.

So, thank you elders...every one of you...for taking your role seriously. The church of tomorrow is not found in our teens only. It is found in the joy of a shepherd's heart. And the church is noticing lately....we are seeing more and more joy!

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