Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Jesus wanted to know. He asked his favorite few, Who do you say that I am? Of course, by now we all know Peter got it right and in the next breath got it wrong.

But the question for you is Who do people say you are? Are you the child of God or are you yet another who works the churchy system, but has no authentic connection to the Father?

How do they decide who you are? I happen to be one who thinks we show who we really are under intense pressure; at least discouragement. Even when we are stumped as to what and how to do the next step, our faces show our God is alive.

Who are we.....really? In some ways we are the same sort as atheists or Sunday morningers. Yet, there is to be a notable difference. We love our God and believe our God when we have nothing in our hands (or even in our sights) to verify we are having a good day. Who shall separate us from the love of God, the Romans author inquires? The response is clearly, Neither anyone nor anything!

So today you realized before you headed out the door you are highly suspect of getting several matters of the day correct. Do try to get this one question answered best of all the things you do. When you ask your peers who they say you are, may their response be, You seem to be a child of God.


Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

Good question to ponder! I say that I am the son of the Living God and proud of it!

Linda L said...

I see myself as a forgiven sinner who is a daughter of The King. I desire to show others the mercy and grace Jesus has shown me, but I know I fail frequently. I want to be seen as someone who you can tell just by her expression that she loves Jesus.