Sunday, February 01, 2009


Gathering for church on Sunday mornings is just not what it used to be. It is as if God has turned us upside down. There is the strangest sense of the Lion-getting-along-with-the-Lamb feeling. People of every age and bent.....get along.

I can't explain it. Years ago if we had a good Sunday I would try to see that it happened the next Sunday and it might be five or six months before another popped up. Now we can count on it Sunday after Sunday. It is a mystery of God; therefore, I can't explain it.

I go from one gathering to the next without trying to preserve the prior week's venue. We are able to enjoy God! We aren't nervous as to who doesn't like something. We assume if they don't like it they'll get over it.....but first and foremost.....we simply assume they'll like it!

J. D. Hatter was gifted today at doing the Lord's Supper. Tammy Bowers, Krista Magnusson, and Alice Coffman's trio added incredible grace to the message. There is a sweet joy and genuine enthusiasm for praising God; none like I ever dreamed as a kid.

I can't explain what God has going on at Memorial. I know a host of churches experience the same thing. I can't explain why we feel so blessed; we just do. I can't explain the grace going on because it is from God and Him alone.....and you know I can't explain Him!


Shane Coffman said...

J.D. really hit the nail on the head with his parallel of Isaiah 6 and our communion.

And the ladies, well...I'm biased, but I think they got a message across more beautifully than anyone else could have.

I can't explain it, either, Terry. My part is next-to-nothing. I just know it is God at work.

phil said...

It is great to hear about the fingerprints and all the other trails of DNA that God leaves as he works his wonders. Peace, to your church!

Anonymous said...

From a first-time visitor's perspective, I can tell you this: Worship at Memorial Drive is authentic and spirit-led. There's nothing contrived or forced or awkward at all. It's refreshing and it works.

And the preacher carries a baseball around. How cool is that?