Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Years ago Memorial was going through some tough stuff. Conflict was in the air. I watched as one of the families passed letters out to a few on a Wednesday night. They handed one to me. I didn't need to read it. This family and a few of their friends had been on the elders' case for quite some time. I didn't open the letter. In disgust I tossed it on my desk and went home. I did go home and call a couple of friends of the elders asking them to give them a call as I knew letters were being handed out against them. I knew they must be hurting. I felt sorry and defensive for my men.

Well, I went into the office the next morning and there was that danged letter. So I opened it to see what they had to say this time about our guys. Oh, boy! It was about me! They handed out a letter voicing there dissatisfaction with me! While things like that hurt, I just had to laugh because I was so worried about the elders....and they had gotten the letter and were worried about me.

Some of you get that treatment. I don't anymore from within the congregation. For those who are treated this way, I encourage you that everything will be all right. Don't fight this kind of person. And, don't fold up believing you are notoriously no good. Leave it up to God. He will take care of these matters. He will.

Insults aren't easy for sensitive leaders like us. Yet, God says to be thankful for them; to brag about them (II Cor. 12:10). He is telling us the truth. Yes, they really hurt. And yes, we have it coming because we are walking in Jesus' footsteps. The cross is not convenient and some will try to kill us....and we have it coming. If the church has real authentic hope, one of the reasons will be when the leaders refuse to retreat when injured. We often play the game hurt.

And while we do, God works! It is a tough lesson to learn; but surely worth applying each day. Keep your spirit smiling....even in the midst of pain. I feel sure somebody needed this right now.

Don't quit.


Franklin Wood said...

Terry, I very much appreciate your thoughts on ministry. I have a request...
A friend of mine is suffering in a ministry position right now.
Could you share links to your (in your opinion) top 10 posts for struggling ministers?
I think it would be great for my friend, and a great resource to have all those links on one post.
Blessings to you. Thanks for your encouragement.

Terry Rush said...


I am quite sensitive to your friend and to your request. I would not know where to begin searching for the top 10 as such a task is subjective in nature. You know his/her needs better. Would it work for you to go through the archives and pick what fits best?

Your request is important. If this response is inadequate, write me at trush@memorialdrive.org. We'll work on it further.

Blessings as you minister!

Jimmy Clare said...


Your words are always "spot-on" and these were no less.
It's amazing how the ones we love the most are the ones who hurt the deepest sometimes...in my short ministry, I have seen this over and over. But I remember Paul's words in 2 Cor. 4:1 - "we do not lose heart".


Stoogelover said...

Been there! I hope your blog will encourage the next preacher who never sees this coming his way! It can be devastating.