Monday, August 04, 2008


Oh how we enjoy the hours and days of simplicity. Oh how I begrudge those dim days of uncertainty; even confusion. I like things to flow smoothly. Having most of the answers or at least not encountering tough questions? Well, those are some of my best moments! However, there are times we are stumped.

How do we handle the stresses which impose themselves upon mankind through sin and self-serving? Weighing every possibility to be fair and dissecting each angle to keep from being improperly judgmental seems to threaten an accurate conclusion. So again we find ourselves needing to be of the perfect mind of Christ and not our usually acceptable daily-grind mind. As mere men we fear our wishful wisdom like Solomon comes off more like the silliness of Silvia.

How do we handle troubling situations which are both complex as well as shadowy? Voices of discernment will occasionally arise as a strong tide only to rescind upon some additional reconsideration. Strong feelings engage other strong feelings in hopes of establishing the Truth. What are we to do when stumped? You surely encounter such settings in your ministry.

These times may be where we lean our understanding upon the very presence of Jesus. He must be the answer. He has that perfect knack of causing tight-fisted fingers to release rocks, sliced ears to be resealed, while taking on the deepest sins of humanity by dying for us. As the culprit becomes clearer in any situation the question will be a new one. Will anyone dare die for him or her....or both?

I don't know how to help much of the time. In reality I find myself embarrassed of my little assistance. The anguish I feel for myself and then for those around me trying to do what's best is deep and burdensome. I cheer us on. We are not Perry Mason but Jesus Christ on this earth. Therefore, there are workable, productive solutions....each of them his. We will be on the right path when we can keep in mind that the reason we have crosses and the reason we use them daily is because we have been called to die for some sinner(s). I live today because one after another have died so I could live. May we do our best to keep the call rolling.

When we think of saving souls it is usually from the form of some sort of Bible study. I suggest we add to that line of thought it be in the form of dying on our cross taking on their sins....I Peter 2:13-25.....for by our wounds they are healed. May we be wounded in the line of duty.

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