Friday, August 29, 2008


What I'm about to share with you is important. First, you need to understand I am from my very nature groomed from childhood to be a wimp. Upon entering the lions' den of church struggles, I have not found it to be an easy road. The fact that we want to minister usually implies tender hearts. Mine was both tender as well as timid.

Encountering very vocal critics has been a huge challenge. I mean this one facet of ministry has been most rugged. For me to stand up to friend or foe in their presence is something I've had to force myself to learn to do. But, I've done it. I decided early on that there were many things I did not know how to do or even where to start. But one thing was certain, I would not cower to the most intimidating personality. Nor would I let a strong-willed friend lead me to believe what my heart didn't really believe. This is important if we are planning to listen to God's voice.

I've clashed as well as occasionally cried, but I've not cowered to overbearing leaders. There is One who runs the show and no other. His name is Jesus. We can take that to the bank. A man many years ago was giving me his weekly tongue lashing as he stood at my office door and said, "You stand for nothing...absolutely nothing." I said, "Friend, if I stand for nothing, why am I standing here toe to toe against you?"

There are young leaders out there just as I was; scared silly over how to handle so many stressful and difficult problems and people. Power is perfected in weakness, so we all qualify. We won't get everything right. We will make progress if we will stick to the real Leader and refrain from being intimidated by men or women who feel they can push hard.

We church leaders are incredibly weak men and women. Add to our uncertainty our insecurity and the church has a real challenge on its hands. Yet if we will keep our own feet to the fire, God will in due time raise us up to be strong. Difficult days are always ahead. Such will be our blessings. Death works in us that life can work in others. Don't tuck your tail and run from anyone. Joshua didn't. Caleb didn't. Young David didn't. Jesus wouldn't.

People are merely people including the bullying kind. Why some feel they need to force their rule, I'll never understand. But don't be afraid. Your work can get lonely and your path can seem unfair, but don't flinch. Hang in there. Don't give up. Don't quit. God is simply training you for the next level of kingdom races.

In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ!


Terry Laudett said...


Tracy said...

Thank you, from a turn-the-other-cheek-a-little-too-often personality!

Anonymous said...

Ah, this was meant for me to read. Thank you.

Stoogelover said...

It's one thing to stand up to critics and another to stand up to them with your elder's backing! Either way you have to stand but it's so much nicer when your elders back you up, isn't it? Better yet, when they go to the critic and tell that person to chill.