Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I don’t think the child-heart ever leaves us. God’s “newer day by day” fact of II Corinthians 4:16-18 surely assures the individual’s “brand-spanking newness” of each of us. Why is this important to God and to us? The answer for both is one: we stay hot. Lukewarmth is for the aging, sagging, lack-luster people. We are hot on the trail of ambition, energy, excitement and enthusiasm.

I’ve been studying about God and about us today. What a charge! I mean it. When we believe we are brand new again today we have the luxury of tearing head-long into life with assumption we are going to encounter massive discovery as well as unimagined opportunity, then wow! What thrusts us into this zone? And, what keeps us at bay?

The hunger to learn puts us in; the sluggishness of fat conclusions keeps us out.

If we are fat and sassy regarding the Word of God, we are disinterested in all things new. Such are merely a nuisance both to our well-arranged shelves of reference books and our made-up minds. But the thrill of coming around a bend and finding new material---un-thought-of information---about God is like a miner discovering gold. What a find a find is!!!!

My younger days were found to have lived a life the rest of America would have regarded as poor. We didn’t know it at the time. One of the things in those days was my wish for the larger size of anything. I never owned a box of 64 Crayolas…..only the 8 pack and eventually the 16 pack when I got rich. The Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys? Yep, the smallest sets possible is what my brother and I got….to share. Well, I guess we never got the Lincoln Logs. When we went to another kid’s house who had the biggest and the best sized toys….oh my! Heaven!

I don’t have an 8 pack (nor a 16 or 64) Bible. I have the biggest, mostest, best!!! It’s mine for the thrill and the hope and lavish enjoying. It just can’t be true; but it is!!! I have this? I have the biggest sized Word? It promises the biggest sized life!


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